Rose Garden
This little gem is situated in the Heights near the Farmer's Market on Airline. Service is king with proprietor/bartender Rose Marie slinging the suds, and it's replete with Elvis decor. It's been around forever, but I didn't start going there 'til this year so it qualifies as new. It's a combination certain to evoke memories of the town home-conquered Aquarium Lounge.
Shady Tavern
There's cheap beer in the cooler, good tunes on the jukebox and characters at the bar.

The newly remodeled business is reopened in its original location on Montrose. Soundwaves tops the charts for its extensive offering of music ranging from classics to club tunes to The Cult. Plus, the staff does not exhibit a holier-than-thou attitude like the nerds at Championship Vinyl.
Place to Get Heckled for Being a Cubs Fan
Minute Maid Park
I love this ballpark. It's not Wrigley, but I'm also not freezing my begonias off full-time either. Fill up on food before you get there or you may need to take out a mortgage to foot the bill. Save room for one game dog, nachos and beer.
Raymond's Barbershop
Carl might shave a C in the back of your head for being a Cubs Fan, but he'll cut you some slack if you tip.
Bike Shop
West End Cycles
The technicians at West End have been providing advice to the avid and not-so-advanced cyclists for years. Prices for bike and service are reasonable, but more importantly, the staff knows their shit.
Late Night Eats
La Tapatia
The once dumpy looking taqueria is now glowing with style follow a recent renovation project. Don't let the polished exterior dissuade you from entering. Inside you will the best guacamole in town and scores of partiers trying to sober up for the drive home. Order the Quesadilla Tapatia; tell them I sent you.

Westpark Toll Road
The idea was in place a while back, but it opened this year, so it counts. Thanks to the EZ-Tag only WTR we can now commute from downtown to Highway 6 in about 15-20 minutes depending on how many slow drivers are in the way. It's the Highway 6 to wherever commute that takes forever. Can we put in a Highway 6 toll road?
The Bartlett House
Residents of The Bartlett House stomach the wrath grumpy neighbors and accurate birds, however, the benefits greatly outweigh the grumps at this small apartment building situated between Broad Oaks and West University. Cheap rent. Check. Cool co-residents. Check. Great location. CHECK.
Hotel to Oversleep for Your Flight
THEHotel, Las Vegas
This hotel is part of the Mirage complex and boasts the best room service cheeseburger in Vega$, which will arrive so quickly you'll have barely picked yourself up off the floor after attempting take off your pants while your shoes were still on. Do not count on your friends to wake you up in time for your flight. They'll be oversleeping, too.

Lebowski Fest, Louisville, KY
Not quite Trekkies, but they're fanatics none the less. Think of it as a "gateway" festival. The flagship event for fans of The Big Lebowski occurs annually during the summers in Kentucky at the Executive West Hotel, which is conveniently located across the street from a bowling alley. Attendees may enjoy discounted white Russians around the swimming pool where passed out nihilists pollute the water.
Movie I Saw Last Week
I Heart Huckabees
Director David O. Russell delivers a thought provoking comedy that lingers on your brain. Marky-Mark Wahlberg delivers a superb performance as an anti-petroleum activist/fire fighter searching for direction opposite leading man Jason Schwartzman's Albert Markovski. The pair team up to gain existential guidance from Lily Tomlin and Dustin Hoffman. Jude Law and the caliente Naomi Watts complete the ensemble cast.
* The BackWord encourages you to leave words like "vintage" and other MTV buzzwords at the curb. Our gentle readers should re-introduce "vintage" terms like "original" or "real McCoy" or "antique" to their daily lexicon.
This was originally posted on, a Texas-centric eZine that has gone the way of the jackalope.