Paganello: JB Mastermind's Destruction
Originally uploaded by lovegreg
People often ask what kind of things happen at Paganello. Check out this picture and imagine the rest.
I am really going to miss the tournament.
The world according to me in the form of observations ranging from the sardonic to the sweet inspired by travel, booze, women, Corporate America and the freeriding externalities of everyday life.
Middle age is the period of life beyond young adulthood but before the onset of old age. Various attempts have been made to define this age, which is around the third quarter of the average life span of human beings.The US Census lists middle age as 35 to 54. AAAGGGHHH! Say it ain't so, Joe.
In many Western societies, this is seen to be the period of life in which a person is expected to have settled down in terms of their sense of identity and place in the world, be raising a family, and have established career stability. It is also a period often associated with the potential onset of mid-life crisis.Sense of identity? Check, I guess.
I'm intercontinental when I eat french toast. - Beastie Boys