Where were you? Did you make it to the run? If so, lemme know. For those of you who couldn't make it down to the Vieux Carre from say...DC, here's a bit of behind the scenes scoop to make you feel like you're not that lame.
Thurday, July 10
21:10 - Meet Los Pastores at NOLA Bulls HQ in Algiers Point after flying in from DAL
21:12 - Bef (La Madrina) serve me a bowl of cassoulet; four bites later I realize that I've been eating sausage. RAT FARTS! I decide to write off the meal and continue dining on the deliciousness.
21:38 - Scan my own credit card through the reader to pay for my admission to the exclusive SFNO Pre-party
22:32 - Start helping Mic (El Padrino) silk screen bandanas and t-shirts
23:01 - Crack open my first High Life of the weekend. Did I forget to mention that High Life was the official beer of the event? They recognized the opportunity and contacted El Padrino about sponsoring the event
00:48 - Sacked out on the couch after drinking only two High Lifes and screening not nearly enough pieces of apparel
Friday, July 11
08:27 - Wake up, caffeinate myself and start doing real work so that I can get back to screen t-shirts and other prep activities
10:ish - El Padrino departs to deal with last minutia that needs attention
13:11 - Resume screening shirts
14:26 - Off to the Wal-Marts to get duct tape, OxyClean and other essentials
16:53 - Arrive at RioMar to set-up for the pre-party
18:00 - The pre-party is packed, and RioMar's regular dining crowd is trying to figure out what spectacle is beginning to take shape before them
18:07 - Fugett arrives after having driven in from Florida
22:15 - The party is done with clean-up nearing completion. The Manatee and I take the ferry to the Crown & Anchor for some Guinness & bourbon
01:11 - Sack out on the couch at NOLA Bulls HQ
Saturday, July 12
05:00 - El Padrino wakes me up
05:10 - Dressed and ready to go set-up
05:11 - The Manatee is in no shape to operate
05:20 - Man-sit The Manatee while MicBef are crossing the river
06:33 - Tuck in The Manatee for a last minute nap in an illegal parking space near the French Market
06:38 - El Consejero and I depart the Gazebo Cafe and make our way to Three Legged Dog to do whatever needs doing
06:42 - Gawking at the more than 120 people already gathered for the event. The official gathering time is still 18 minutes away.
07:00 - El Padrino is interviewed for a story by AP Reporter Janet McConnaughey
07:11 - The Hurricane questions me as to the whereabouts of The Manatee and attempts to convince me to go retrieve said animal as I slip away into the fray
07:44 - The Manatee has rallied and appears
07:45 - The invocation is delivered to a crowd of nearly 700 runners who are going rowdier by the minute
07:55 - The runners begin filtering themselves out along the course
07:58 - El Padrino and I are jogging at the back of the pack reveling in the turnout when the air horn signals the release of the bulls
08:01 - Run around the corner of Rue Bourbon to find the runners standing around at which point I start screaming "RUN! THEY'RE COMING!" while trying not to trample anyone
08:02 - My butt gets bashed by the wiffle ball bat of a bull
08:18 - Fugett finds me despite the chaos of the Gazebo Cafe. He hasn't slept yet but did manage to run. Here's some brief video evidence.
08:22 - Friends keep raising their beers in my direction. I can't tell if they are waving at me or flaunting the fact that they were able to get a High Life before the beer lines started to wrap around the park.
08:43 - Jump behind the merch table to help La Madrina & Jenny B before they pass out
09:12 - Steady selling t-shirts. O'Neil is still flaunting his High Life. I would punch him in the face if I wasn't in the middle of peddling some goods.
09:15 - A customer buys me a bottle of water. I slam it, but my tongue stills feels like I've been eating flour for an hour.
09:18 - Dispatch Big Sleazy to the bar with a $20 bill and tell her to get as much High Life as she can carry
09:44 - Big Sleaze appears with 10 beers just before I start to enter panic mode
16:ish - El Padrino, Fugett, Chad, Toni, NOA and I are among the final crowd group to depart the Gazebo Cafe & head to Molly's on the Market
18:47 - El Padrino & I head to the ferry, dine with La Madrina at Dry Dock
20:01 - Sacked out on the couch while watching news coverage of the SFNO
Sunday, July 13
08:00 - woke up feeling like a whole dollar and crawled onto the sofa to start Googling NOLA Bulls
08:03 - asleep on the couch. I repeated this pattern every 30 minutes until MicBef were stirring
10:12 - Pete SMSes me that CNN Headline news is running a clip of event
10:13 - Began a CNN HLN watching & TiVoing marathon to capture the footage
10:28 - Gave myself a headache trying to figure out how a gored Hurricane had become one of the most memorable images of the footage
12:30 - Dined on tapas with my bro-ham (Face) & three fourths of Team NOLA Bulls
12:33 - Observed as El Padrino & El Consejero began promoting the 2009 SFNO Food Fest (my words) to a Spanish restaurateur
14:45 - El Padrino and I run into Janet McConnaughey on the ferry back to Algiers and overhear her husband say, "Was that the NOLA Bulls guy?"
15:23 - Back at NOLA Bulls HQ to pack-n-go
18:00 - Asleep on the plane from MSY to DAL
San Fermin in Nueva Orleans is poised to become the New Orleans event of the summer in 2009.
Be there on July 11, 2009 for the third annual event.
Check NOLABulls.com or the NOLA Bulls Twitter page for more details.