1. Accept Reality
Repeat after me. I will be hot, sweaty and nasty within moments of departing my parking spot of choice. There will be thousands of people all over the place. Many of these people will trample me, my blankie and my friends to see their favorite band or get a beer. I should not attend if I'm going to be a colossal PITA (Pain In The A…) to my friends or other Festers. I'm OK with these hard facts and realize that I only have control of myself (and my leashed-up children or significant other).
2. Buy a Three Day Pass
Even if you may only be able to attend one day. Chances are better than average that you will end up going for all three days. When you do, you will be psyched that you paid $25 per day instead of the $40 per day alternative. Better still is scoring free VIP tickets from a buddy. Be forewarned, this may cause some of your other friends to be grumpy at you. Should you need to bail on two of the three days, you will have no problem unloading your three-day tickets at a nice profit. (Ticket brokers do it. Why can't we?) One more thing, you only have to remember to bring your ticket one time if you get a pass a.k.a. wristband. Oh, and another thing. You can escape to Barton Springs for a deodorizing dip during the slow parts of the Fest. No re-entry with a single day ticket.
3. Use Sun Protection
ACL Fest Saturday was officially the hottest day thus far in 2004. You don't want to end up as the barbequed knucklehead at the office on Monday do you? How about the hapless individual in the first aid tent with heat-scrambled brain between your ears? I didn't think so. Bring a hat, sunglasses and wear tons of sunscreen. The cocoa butter scent will cover up the stench you created whilst trekking to Zilker Park.

You already know you're going to be sweaty so save on parking fees and walking by riding your bike. Ain't got one? Buy one from a pawn shop. You'll probably be able to find one that will cost you 30% less than a three-day rental. When you're finished just re-pawn it or park it in your buddy's apartment garage since you live in Houston. No guarantees that he won't give it away to the hottie Danish exchange student living down the hall. If you are using, "I don't live a bikeable distance from Zilker" as an excuse, don't sweat it. Get your dually driving buddy to deposit you and your sled some place close or just drive you own vehicle to a free parking lot and ride in from there. Find a way to ride a bike. You do not want to be stuck in the Saturday shuttle line.
5. Go With a Group
There are endless benefits to going with a group. Here are a few: you'll have partners in crime to aid you in protecting your area. Multiple people equates to more people to buy festival supplies like beer, snacks and sunscreen. Plus, a group is essential to implementing the "Two Blanket Strategy."
6. Two Blanket Strategy
Key to a successful Sunday. You need to have at least four to six in your group to pull this off. Skip ahead if you don't or if you don't care about being spitting distance from Ben Harper or your Artist Of Choice (AOC).
Blanket 1 - Base of Operations (BO): arrive early enough to stake out a primo spot in front of the AOC's stage. Pending a tight line-up, you should be in a good position to enjoy a great afternoon of music. Be certain to get enough space to accommodate the Roamers.
Blanket 2 - The Roamers: this will be your roaming base for checking out the side stages and other acts around the fest. Roamers should return to the BO sufficiently early for the AOC.
6a. Location, Location, Location
Choosing the right set-up location is important particularly if you are a single base of operation. That said, the best place to set-up is in between two venues with decent site lines for each. All you need to do is rotate your chair. For example, there was a really sweet spot in between the Cingular (only our phones will work) stage and the Bank of America stage. A simple rotation afforded our team views of Modest Mouse and then a primo view of My Morning Jacket.
7. Bring a Chair
Unless you are planning on noodle dancing or laying down, a foldable chair is worth a four dollar investment. Your back will thank you. Plus, you can use it and your buddy's chairs to stake off your BO. If that's not enough, chairs make great flagpole holders.
8. Bring a Banner
Thirty-five years of New Orleans Jazz Festers can't be wrong. Bring a "distinctive" banner or flag to mark you group. "Distinctive" infers that there will not be another one like it. If you insist on bringing an American flag or a Texas flag, be sure it's unique like my friend G.C.'s Texas Mardi Gras Flag, Texas flag in Mardi Gras colors. Having a banner helps your posse regroup and let's people know you mean business.
9. Drink a Lot
of water. Texas is hot. But, you knew that already. Alcohol has a dehydrating effect on your bodily tissue, i.e. it will cause your pea-sized brain to shrink resulting in a super-sized headache and potentially worse. Drinking water does not mean you're a wuss. It means you don't want your friends to have to carry your sorry ass to the first aid tent during The Pixies or another AOC. You've got no excuse. You can bring in two bottles of water per person; size does not matter in this case.

My friends all laughed when I came back from an emergency snack run with a plastic bag full of popcorn. Neither the laughing nor the corn lasted long. Think of it as crack in a bag; everyone who tasted it was couldn't quit eating it. Sure it's a guilty pleasure that brings back memories of cabbage-smelling carnies peddling it. It also happens to be the best value for your money in the snack arena, and it's vegetarian friendly.
11. Figure out your rendezvous strategy beforehand
What happens when you put 70,000 people in a 15 acre park? 50,000 cell phone users show up and all want to call their friends at the same time. Your phone won't work no matter how you yell into it whilst I'm straining to hear Jack Johnson over your whining. Avoid the issue and set a time to meet them at the Tag-a-Kid. Your friends and I will thank you.
12. Check out the Texas Artists
You have doled out dough for primo tickets and all of the necessary accoutrements. You owe it to yourself to check out as many Texas artists as you can. Terry Allen. Bob Schneider. Joe Ely. The Gourds. Patti Griffin. David Garza. Etc. See you at the Fourth Annual ACL Fest next year. I'll be the cool dude on the purple ladies bike.
This was originally posted on TheBackWord.com, a Texas-centric eZine that has gone the way of the jackalope.
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